Cur­rent projects

Alli­anz Campus


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Pro­ject Manager:


The foun­da­ti­on stone for the Alli­anz Cam­pus in Adlers­hof, Ber­lin, was laid on 22 Sep­tem­ber 2016. The three buil­dings with fle­xi­ble office designs are loca­ted on an area of 27,000 m² at the ent­rance to the Adlers­hof Tech­no­lo­gy Park, bet­ween Rudower Chaus­see and Hans-Schmidt-Stra­ße. The new build with fle­xi­ble-use office designs will be con­nec­ted across Mer­litz­stra­ße by two pede­stri­an bridges. The com­mer­cial spaces can be acces­sed via the arca­des on Rudower Chaus­see. Each buil­ding has five storeys. Green are­as will adorn the cour­ty­ards sur­roun­ding the buil­dings. The buil­ding tech­no­lo­gy is loca­ted in the cel­lar and on the roof.

In this pro­ject 0ver 6.000 lights were han­ded over Dali (Loy­tec L‑Dali) to the MSR via LON for taxa­ti­on. All fault mes­sa­ges in the buil­dings were recor­ded with KNX and trans­fer­red to the MSR with KNX-BAC­net gate­ways (Loy­tec L‑Gate 952). The con­nec­tion of the media tech­no­lo­gy was also rea­li­zed by means of BAC­net. Two touch pabels (Loy­tec L‑VIS) round off the matter.
