Lar­ge customers

Doro­theen Quartier


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Pro­ject Manager:


The Doro­theen Quar­tier will be a new hub in the cent­re of Stutt­gart. Loca­ted bet­ween the old cast­le, the city hall, and the mar­ket hall, the city will recla­im a cen­tral quar­ter that histo­ry once tore out. Three new­ly erec­ted buil­ding units will be home to high-class busi­nesses, bars, restau­rants, and loun­ges as well as pre­mi­um offices and apartments.

Breu­nin­ger its­elf will not be expan­ding along with the Doro­theen Quar­tier, it’s mere­ly a ques­ti­on of beau­ti­fy­ing the area whe­re the com­pa­ny was born.
