Cur­rent projects




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Pro­ject Manager:


TH Real Estate and ECE have alre­a­dy star­ted exten­si­ve moder­ni­sa­ti­on work on the PEP Shop­ping Cent­re in the Neu­per­lach dis­trict of Munich. The cei­lings, light­ing, and fur­nis­hings in the exis­ting mall are being reno­va­ted in order to bring the cent­re up to date with the latest tech­no­lo­gy and to crea­te a plea­sant atmo­sphe­re with a con­tem­po­ra­ry feel. New sea­ting are­as, sani­ta­ry faci­li­ties, a kid’s cor­ner, and other addi­ti­ons will help con­tri­bu­te to an even hig­her-qua­li­ty visit. The work will pre­do­mi­nant­ly take place at night, so the shop­ping cent­re can con­ti­nue to ope­ra­te as usu­al during the day.

Here, our job is to work tog­e­ther with the KNX pro­gramm­ers from Sal­via Elek­tro­tech­nik to imple­ment the light­ing con­trol in the mall.
