Cur­rent projects

Office buil­ding Dieselstrasse


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The flo­or plan cor­re­sponds to two lar­ge H’s that are con­nec­ted to each other. Munich-based pro­ject deve­lo­per Giag plans to build an office and com­mer­cial buil­ding on the for­mer Salu­tas site on Ger­lin­ger Die­sel­stra­ße, which, accor­ding to him, offers space for 800 jobs. Exhi­bi­ti­on are­as, trade and cate­ring are to be accom­mo­da­ted on the ground flo­ors. The buil­dings are, view­ed con­ti­guous­ly, 65 by 120 meters in size, they have a total of six floors. 